Posted on March 30, 2022April 24, 2022 by Lori Balkum 2022S NYOS Pairings and Wall Charts and Standings This was held on Saturday, April 23, 2022.It has been rated by the USCF.Jump to: K-3 U300, K-3 U600, K-5 U600, K-5 U1100, 6-12 U600, 6-12 U1100, K-12 Any, Open Section, Family ChildBack to the scholastic tournament description K-1 U300 Final StandingsPreregistrations K-3 U300 Final StandingsPreregistrations K-3 U600 Final StandingsPreregistrations K-5 U600 Final StandingsPreregistrations K-5 U1100 Final StandingsPreregistrations 6-12 U600 Final StandingsPreregistrations 6-12 U1100 Final StandingsPreregistrations K-12 Any Final StandingsPreregistrations Open Section Final StandingsPreregistrations Family-Child Final StandingsPreregistrations Back to top Post navigationPrevious post: 2022S Regents Pairings and Wall Charts and StandingsNext post: Thursday Chess at Whitestone Brewery in Cedar Park