An in person, 7 round USCF USCF rated chess tournament on the weekend of February 28 – March 2, 2025 for scholastic players in grades K thru 12 who live in Texas.
Register online!
The Vista
(formerly Vista Ridge or Music City Mall)
2401 S. Stemmons Freeway
Lewisville, TX 75067
Seating for Parents, Coaches, and Players between rounds: The Vista is a large mall however tables and chairs are very limited. You can bring you own chairs such as lawn chairs ect. There is ample room in mall but seating directly outside the playing hall is prohibited.
Hotel Information: TownPlace Suites – 731 E. Vista Ridge Mall Drive, Lewisville, TX 75067
Book your group rate for Tarrant County Chess Club
Who is eligible to play:
This event is open ONLY to students attending Texas Schools, including home schoolers residing in Texas.
All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).
All players must have a current USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration). Your membership may not expire before March 31, 2025. You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play.
This event offers 11 rated sections: (February 2025 ratings used)
Choose your section based upon your grade level. There is no ‘playing up’. Review the TCA rules for section placement.
- “Championship” sections are open to all players, including Unrated, with the grades specified. JV and Novice sections are only open to those with established or provisional US Chess ratings below that threshold, including Unrated.
- Ratings for pairings and section purposes are according to US Chess Regular over the board ratings, using the US Chess February 2025 Rating Supplement. This event will be US Chess regular rated after it concludes.
- Students may play only in a Championship or Under section allowed by their grade and rating. That means that a K or 1st grade student, for example, may play in K-1, K-3 or K-5 sections. Students in 5th grade or below cannot play in sections higher than a K-5. Students in 6th through 8th grade can only play in 6-8 Section and, likewise, students in 9th through 12 grade can only play in 9-12 sections.
- If a player does not have an established US Chess rating in the February 2025 Rating Supplement (and is therefore “unrated”), then he/she may play in any section allowed for his/her grade.
- The tournament staff will have discretion over section placement.
Schedule – 7 rounds
Round 1 – 7pm, Friday, February 28th
Rounds 2, 3,4 & 5 – 9am, 12 pm, 3pm, 6pm, Saturday, March 1st
Rounds 6, & 7 – 9am, 12 pm, Sunday, March 2nd
High School and Middle School Championship G/75;d5, All other sections G/60;d5
Awards to the top 8 individuals and the top 4 teams in each of the 11 sections.
The top finisher in each Championship section will be named 2025 State Champion for that section!
Scholarship money for the top winner in the High School Championship section.
The top player(s) in all Championships vie for the opportunity to represent Texas in National tournaments!
Registration and information
Register, request or renew a USCF membership (optional if not expired!) and pay online. The entry fee is $45 before February 8th. $52 before February 22nd. $65 before February 27th or $75 onsite.
Visit the event website for the online registration link and more info. Contact the organizer (, 817-296-4287) for instructions on how to submit group/bulk school entries.
A side – ‘unrated’ event will be offered on Saturday, March 1st. Only students who have NEVER had a USCF membership are eligible to participate in the unrated event. Unrated Event Website