1st Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy In-Person USCF Rated Tournament
We are now hosting our 1st Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy In-Person USCF Rated Tournament on March 19, 2023 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM.
TOURNAMENT STYLE: All players will be divided into two sections: SECTION A: 1,000+ USCF rated SECTION B: Under 1,000 USCF rated and/or unrated. **If there are not enough players in a given section, we reserve the right to merge them**
TIME CONTROL: ● G/35, d5. ● 35 minutes per player with a 5-second delay.
RATING INFORMATION: ● March official USCF ratings will be used. ● Unofficial USCF ratings will be used if unrated or to play in a higher section. ● Players must reveal foreign, FIDE, and other over-the-board ratings. These ratings will be adjusted, if necessary, and may be used if they are higher than USCF ratings.
4-Round Swiss System Schedule ● 1st round: 9:00 AM ● 2nd round: 10:30 AM ● Lunch break: 12:00 PM ● 3rd round: 1:00 PM. ● 4th round: 2:30 PM. ● Closing ceremony: After the last game finishes. NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.
PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT. Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture.
ENTRY FEES: ● Online: $30 at www.austin-chess.com by March 17, 2023 ● On-site: $40 via PayPal or cash (if space is available) For additional questions, please contact us at info@austin-chess.com