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Memorial Day Madness 2021

Description: Organized by Complete Chess, this is a USCF rated swiss chess tournament open to all chess players in San Antonio and surrounding areas. There will be 5 rounds in total. The tournament will be a two-day event on May 22nd, and 23rd. 1/2 point bye available for any round if notified before Round 2 is paired. No last round byes.


Round times:
• Registration at 9:00-9:45 am if not done online.
• Rounds 1, 2, & 3 starts promptly on May 22nd at 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 6:00pm.
• Rounds 4 & 5 starts promptly on May 23rd at 10:00am and 2:00pm.

Time controls:
• Rounds 1 & 2: G/75;d5
• Rounds 3, 4, & 5: G/90+30 sec.

Entry fee: $30 if received before May 10th, $40 if received before May 17th, and $50 until the day of the event.  $60 for on-site registration and may have to take 1st round bye.

Sections and Prizes:
*50% guaranteed in prizes based on 30 entries. 50% guaranteed payout.
One prize per person

One section with class prizes.
• $200-$100

• Top Class B(1600-1799): $80
• Top Class C(1400-1599): $80
• Top Class D(1200-1399): $80

• Top Unrated (New Players Only): $40

Direct link to event:


Complete Chess
6391 De Zavala Rd, Ste 113
San Antonio, TX


Contact Complete Chess ( if you have questions about this event.

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Spring Slammer 2021

Description: Organized by Complete Chess, this is a USCF rated swiss chess tournament open to all chess players in San Antonio and surrounding areas. There will be 5 rounds in total. The tournament will be a two-day event on March 13th, and 14th. 1/2 point bye available for any round if notified before Round 2 is paired. No last round byes.


Round times:
• Registration at 9:00-9:45 am if not done online.
• Rounds 1, 2, & 3 starts promptly on March 13th at 10:00am, 2:00pm, and 6:00pm.
• Rounds 4 & 5 starts promptly on March 14th at 10:00am and 2:00pm.

Time controls:
• Rounds 1 & 2: G/75;d5
• Rounds 3, 4, & 5: G/90+30 sec.

Entry fee: $30 if received before February 22nd, $40 if received before March 8th, and $50 until the day of the event.  $60 for on-site registration and may have to take 1st round bye.

Sections and Prizes:
*50% guaranteed in prizes based on 30 entries. 50% guaranteed payout.
One prize per person

One section with class prizes.
• $200-$100

• Top Class B(1600-1799): $80
• Top Class C(1400-1599): $80
• Top Class D(1200-1399): $80

• Top Unrated (New Players Only): $40

Direct link to event:


Complete Chess
6391 De Zavala Rd, Ste 113
San Antonio, TX


Contact Complete Chess ( if you have questions about this event.

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ACC March/April Standard Swiss

This slow swiss takes place over 4 weeks, with games on March 28th, April 4th, April 11th, and April 18th. G/90 with 30 sec. increment per move. 4 round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $20.00 all.

Austin Chess Club is hosting another serious swiss tournament. USCF membership must not expire before April 30, 2021.

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. The event has the potential to run late. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. One round may last upwards of 4 hours.

Last chance registration happens onsite 6:00pm – 6:25pm on March 28th. No pre-registration for round 1 is necessary. Email pre-registration is accepted; however, online payment is preferred! (Online entry available soon!) If you email to register, you must show up and pay no later than 6:25pm! First round begins at 6:30pm. Please be on time! Participants who wish to enter the tournament late may email Austin Chess Club. Late entry must be made before 10am on Sunday, April 4th to secure a round 2 pairing.

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.


Bridge Center of Austin
6700 Middle Fiskville Road
next to Taj Palace
Austin TX 78752

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ACC March G/24 Quick-rated Swiss

A one-day tournament on March 21st offering G/24 with 5 sec. delay per move. 3 Round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $10.00 all. USCF membership required.

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. We suggest that scholastic players have reached a rating of 400 before participating.

USCF membership may not expire before March 31, 2021.

We would like to start on-time. Please arrive early. Entries must be received and paid in full by 6:25pm. Online entry available soon.

Cost is $10/player. We would like the first round to begin at 6:30pm sharp. Please arrive early. If you have questions that the website has not answered, email Austin Chess Club.

Please bring a set and a board. Please bring a digital delay clock if at all possible.

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.


Bridge Center of Austin
6700 Middle Fiskville Road
next to Taj Palace
Austin TX 78752

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2021 Texas State Scholastic Chess Championships

An online, 7 round USCF quick-rated chess tournament on Saturday, April 3rd for scholastic players in grades K thru 12 who live in Texas, sponsored by the Texas Chess Association. See the results here:

In order to provide time to prepare the system, registration closes at midnight, March 29th

Who is eligible to play:
All players must have a current USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration). Your membership may not expire before April 30, 2021 . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play.

This event is open ONLY to students attending Texas Schools, including home schoolers residing in Texas
All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).

This event offers 11 rated sections: (March 2021 ratings used)
Choose your section based upon your grade level. There is no ‘playing up’. Review the TCA rules for section placement.

  • “Championship” sections are open to all players, including Unrated, with the grades specified.  JV and Novice sections are only open to those with established or provisional US Chess ratings below that threshold, including Unrated.
  • Ratings for pairings and section purposes are according to US Chess higher of Regular over the board ratings or US Chess Online Quick ratings, using the US Chess March 2021 Rating Supplement. This event will be US Chess online rated after it concludes.
  • Students may play only in a Championship or Under section allowed by their grade and rating.  That means that a K or 1st grade student, for example, may play in K-1, K-3 or K-5 sections.  Students in 5th grade or below cannot play in sections higher than a K-5. Students in 6th through 8th grade can only play in 6-8 Section and, likewise, students in 9th through 12 grade can only play in 9-12 sections.
  • If a player does not have an established US Chess rating (Regular or Quick Online) in the March Rating Supplement (and is therefore “unrated”), then he/she may play in any section allowed for his/her grade.
  • The tournament staff will have discretion over determining if a child’s multiple ratings qualify him/her for an “Under” section.
  • There will be a warmup event on Saturday, March 27 at 10am Central/9am Eastern in which is highly encouraged for kids to play and practice using the site. This tournament will be 5 rounds of 5+1 and will only take one hour. (There are no prizes — the intention is to test your computer, internet, and get used to registering and playing in an event.
  • Unrated players will be listed at a rating of 400 on the tournament day for tournament purposes.
  • Although team prizes will be awarded, there will be no pairing restrictions.  Although it may not happen often, teammates may play each other depending on their scores.  

This quick rated tournament begins at 10am on April 3rd.

All sections have 7 rounds of G/15 +5.
The remaining rounds will follow as soon as possible.
The entire event should take no more than 5 hours.

The results of the tournament will not be final until ChessKid analyzes them for fair play. As soon as results are complete, players will be notified and the event will be rated with the USCF.

Awards to the top 10 individuals and the top 3 teams in each section.
The top finisher in each Championship section will be named 2021 State Champion for that section!

Registration and information
Register, request or renew a USCF membership (optional if not expired!) and pay online. The entry fee is $35 by midnight, March 22nd. $50 by midnight, March 29th. (A special warm up event is offered on March 27th at 10am for all players who have registered by March 22nd.)

Withdrawal requests made by email by March 29th, 2021, 11:59pm are eligible for a full refund (minus a $5 service fee).

No email or phone entries accepted. You must register online here.

Email, (713) 530-7820, or, (915) 256-7783 with other tournament related questions.
Email with questions.

Organized by the Texas Chess Association

View the preregistration list here.

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2021 Region V and VI Championships Preregistration List

All registrations appear automatically. Please allow one to two days for USCF information to be verified, at which point the rating will be entered.

If your name has a , your registration is complete.
If your name has a , the registrar has a question about your registration. Please contact the registrar if you have not already been contacted.
If there is no symbol in front of your name, your USCF verification is in process.

Jump to: High School Championship, Middle School Championship, Elementary Championship, Primary Championship, Elementary Under 500.

High School Championship

NameUSCF IDRatingRegion
Langert, Liam 149965061303Region VI
Spelman, Ronan 147290231568Region VI
Reddy, Gohith 15425006748Region VI
Gu, David 154292141457Region VI
Schumer, Ken 15936403688Region VI
Song, Brian 300965550 - UNRRegion V
Ilbars, Ata Deniz301298010 - UNRRegion V
Kim, Seokhyun ( ALEX ) 14621144531Region VI
Gawiser, Zachary Aaron15608941955Region VI
Candia, William Russell17308940758Region V
Jumalon, Vincent 160495531009Region V
Greenberg, Jack 14675685833Region V
Teague, Adri Teague301348380 - UNRRegion VI
Moshay, Myzell 17310337103Region V
Wu, Dixon Philip30055860970Region VI
Mayfield, David 301347680 - UNRRegion VI
Collins, Connor 301347250 - UNRRegion VI
Aggarwal, Raghav 152743101899Region VI
Henry, Quentin M171405041040Region V
Section count: 19

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Middle School Championship

NameUSCF IDRatingRegion
Mokkapati , Vimalsai 16967482717Region VI
Saranu, Brijnandan 15967124538Region VI
Lehr, Victor 156651931127Region VI
Srinivasa, Arnav 16240537936Region VI
Nadar, Jovan Mahen15821596942Region VI
Pradeepkumar, Kalki 162405911126Region VI
Ramireddy, Lahari 16432780574Region VI
Cai, Benjamin 16322627633Region VI, Region VI
Rawat, Eshansh 16429676527Region VI
Bhowmick , Loy 155586011353Region VI
Khan, Muhammad Asmir17077803215Region V
Mahendru, Aarav 161571111093Region V
Aggarwal, Jatin 151275921559Region VI
Piratla, Aditya 17186757272Region V
Goyal, Vivaan 17049946698Region VI
Wang, Gavin 162338401107Region VI
Reddy, Shrenik 16069802748Region VI
Sanil, Gautham 15551408709Region VI
Kanna, Akhil 15920145830Region VI
Kumaran, Saharsh 16781783867Region VI
Vu, John Robinson301316140 - UNRRegion V
Jumalon, Matthew 17056702778Region V
Klopfenstein, Ben 16792631829Region VI
Muthuraman, Vishnu 155175271392Region VI
Funke, Jackson Owen16761088832Region V
Nguyen, Ethan 16961057513Region V
Raju, Yakshwag Reddy168014421138Region VI
Gupta, Nikhil Krishna167375961030Region VI
Nagulapally , Ayan 159345701307Region VI
Nguyen, Carter Jie16967057734Region V
Megharaj, Siddarth 15715903738Region VI
Cox, Caleb 162006771108Region V
Cammack IV, James Edmund170979581254Region VI
Shinder, Michael 162697181376Region V
Mohsenin, Cyrus 170087801539Region V
Gottipati, Mahith 16501448653Region V
Vettical, Dylan Antony160991431029Region V
Acharya, Rishabh 16004256379Region VI
Zinsmeister, Elizar 301351150 - UNRRegion V
Devangan, Anmol 16768913634Region V
Darilek, Miles 301352180 - UNRRegion VI
Anand, Aarush 15645712904Region VI
Section count: 42

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Elementary Championship

NameUSCF IDRatingRegion
Contractor, Aliasger 17291892649Region VI
Adapa, Aniketh 16783266724Region VI
Dasi, Shreyes 17116504783Region VI
Goparaju, Shriyans I16779082532Region VI
Dukeshier, Romir 16586365975Region VI
Adapa, Aditya 16460928746Region VI
Katta, Aneesh 16249118953Region VI
Qian, Marvin 17109246747Region VI, Region VI
Siripanga, Lithik 16908532659Region VI
Ganesan, Vaibhav 16444976728Region VI
Chulliyan, Ritvik 30069889618Region VI
Pogue-Jewell, Cole 16586454356Region VI
Broadus, Anderson Emmette Bacani17254874551Region V
Chen, Mateus 17192044917Region VI
Wang, Cynthia 173245630- UNRRegion VI
Gu, Ethan 163346781085Region VI
Anandh, Vijay Srinivas 169968441516Region V
Gouw, Kevian L16344351827Region VI
Mohiuddin, Ozair Akif17092560650Region VI
Grana, Yeshua 16305494466Region VI
Furkatov, Firdaus 16913945659Region VI
Hosur, Sanmita 162491721347Region VI
Sukumaran, Ronav 16935505741Region VI
Mecham, Ryan Archie16779830912Region V
Vettical, Aiden Sebastian 16490590536Region V
Zhou, William 16206766706Region V
Munsayac , Calvin 161593161253Region V
Basha, Ayan 301350650 - UNRRegion V
Beard, Theo Brian Beard16437551521Region V
Anand, Sayan 16737601894Region VI
Teoh, Sean 160284881153Region VI
Section count: 31

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Primary Championship

NameUSCF IDRatingRegion
Saranu, Vernika Isha17257324110Region VI
von Lopez, Leela A173245780 - UNRRegion VI
Carlton, Julian 17137998130Region VI
Palamarthy, Shreya 301253120 - UNRRegion VI
Palamarthy, Siddhant 301253210 - UNRRegion VI
Goyal, Vayun 17166534230Region VI
Shah, Malav Bhavin301242370 - UNRRegion VI
Gu, Lillian 301253080 - UNRRegion VI
Barua, Abhijay 17186255579Region V
Ramireddy, Navya 171126260 - UNRRegion VI
Balamurugan, Saipratik 30014322565Region VI
Qu, Kendrick 16878463125Region VI
Jyothiswaroop, Vihaan 301324760 - UNRRegion VI
Balaji, Sahithyan 16719117424Region VI
Pei, Benjamin M.301294160 - UNRRegion VI
Munsayac , Stella 16881190375Region V
Prashanth, Devdatt 301343070 - UNRRegion VI
Tripathi, Aesha 301374290 - UNRRegion VI
Bhattacharya , Aaveg 301374040 - UNRRegion VI
Gaige, Oliver Blaze301374040 - UNRRegion V
Li, Owen 30050830402Region V
Anand, Sanvi 16737616471Region VI
Section count: 22

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Elementary Under 500

NameUSCF IDRatingRegion
Adapa, Akhila 16783224423Region VI
Yu, Benjamin 16935600456Region VI
Kapasi, Gautam Sanjay16717848452Region VI
Kulkarni, Rohan Ajey16097214380Region VI
Venza, Rex 300504140 - UNRRegion VI
Pogue-Jewell, Talia 300452350 - UNRRegion VI
Goldberg, Joshua 300170890 - UNRRegion V
Deterling, Sam H301252680 - UNRRegion VI
Adoni, Ishaan 301252980 - UNRRegion VI
Seelam, Dhruva 300319180 - UNRRegion V
Mohiuddin, Omair Kaif17092575341Region VI
Ravisha, Manaswini Kaggundi 301327630 - UNRRegion VI
Arvind, Dhyan 30042388307Region VI
Simpson, Dylan 17144047222Region V
Acharya, Richay 301340080 - UNRRegion VI
Moshay, Malik 17310364204Region V
Trapp , Owen Andrew301351510 - UNRRegion VI
Devangan, Shayna 17261295107Region V
Williams, Colin 301350050 - UNRRegion VI
Teoh, Tiffany 16596822316Region VI
Section count: 20

Back to top

Total registrants: 134

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2021 Combined Region V and VI Scholastic Championships

Official standings have been posted. The tournament was analyzed for Fair Play by ChessKid and we received an all clear! The tournament has been rated by the USCF.

Review the pre-tournament reminders! An online, 5 round USCF quick-rated chess tournament on Saturday, March 6th for scholastic players in grades K thru 12 who live in TCA’s Scholastic Regions V or VI. View the preregistration list.

In order to provide time to prepare the system, registration closed on Monday, March, 1st. No late entries were accepted.

Who is eligible to play:
You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) may not expire before March 31, 2021 . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. (New players in 3rd grade and below may request a non-member ID as a part of USCF’s Junior Tournament Player Program during registration

All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).

All participants must reside in TCA’s Scholastic Region V or VI.

This event offers 5 rated sections: (March 2021 regular ratings used. The tournament will be US Chess Online Quick-Chess Rated. )
High School Championship
Middle School Championship
Elementary Championship
Elementary U500
Primary Championship
(If registrations exceed 200, more ‘under’ sections will be added and players given the option to move to those sections.)

Choose your section based upon your grade level. There is no ‘playing up’. Review the TCA rules for section placement.

This quick rated tournament begins at 9am on March 6th. All players must ‘join’ the event no later than 8:45am in order to play. Instructions on how the tournament works are available online and will be emailed again a few days before the event.

8:30am – Login to and ‘join’ the tournament
9:00 am – Round 1 begins. All sections have 5 rounds of G/15 +5.
The remaining rounds will follow as soon as possible.
The entire event should take approximately 3 hours.

The results of the tournament will not be final until ChessKid analyzes them for fair play. As soon as results are complete, players will be notified and the event will be rated with the USCF.

Awards to the top players in each section.

Championship sections: The top finishing Region V resident in each Championship section will be named 2021 Region V Champion for that section, and receive an award to commemorate that honor. The top finishing Region VI resident in each Championship section will be named 2021 Region VI Champion for that section, and receive an award to commemorate that honor. An additional 3 awards will be given in each Championship section to the next top finishers with positive scores, after the Regional champions are named.

Non-championship sections: Awards to the top 3 players with positive scores in each non-Championship section.

Registration and information
Register, request or renew a USCF membership (optional if not expired!) and pay online. The entry fee is $35.

Withdrawal requests made by email by February 22, 2021, 11:59pm are eligible for a full refund (minus a $5 service fee).

No refunds are available for USCF memberships after they are purchased from the USCF.

No email or phone entries accepted. Online registration is closed.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar with other tournament related questions.
Email with questions.

Organized by Rocks & Rooks: Gary Gaiffe, tournament organizer.

View the preregistration list here.

Posted on

Saturday afternoons with the Pease Park Chess Club

Pease Park
1100 Kingsbury St
Austin, TX 78703

Kingsbury St. is the main street leading to Pease Park, and we do meet on the long tables adjacent to Kingsbury

In person casual meet-up on Saturdays, 2pm – 4:30pm at Pease Park in Austin.

We are a group of mostly adults, but open to all levels and ages.
Bring a board and clock if possible, but don’t let the lack of either stop you from attending!  We are located in the south end of the park, near Kingsbury Street.

There is no fee to attend! In order to participate in the organized event, make an account at using your phone number now, or after you arrive at the park.

You can also play casual games with someone if you don’t want to be in the tournament, or one of the advanced players would be happy to teach you if you’re a beginner wanting to learn!

Join  our Facebook group to find out more about the group, hear about upcoming park tournaments, etc.

Contact Contact Marc, for more information.

Posted on

Saturday Chess at the Austin Chess Club

NOTE: The club will be closed on 12/28 and 1/4 (Join us at the Austin Southpark hotel for the Austin Winter Open!)  We will be back on 1/11 with something fun planned.  Watch the schedule! 

The Upbring School of Arts and Sciences
3407 Red River St.
Austin, TX 78705

Looking for a place to meet other chess players? Do you enjoy playing longer, rated games against experienced opponents? Do you want to spar with strong chess players of all ages? Join the Austin Chess Club!

Please bring sets / clocks and some patience as we get used to our new surroundings.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new people!
Doors open at 3:00pm, please follow the signs to our meeting areas.

Finding the club Click for picture of area.
FIND THE ENTRANCE: Enter the front parking lot of the school via Luther Lane (green line on photo). Find the elevator outside the building (marked on photo by green dot);
go up the stairs to enter via the door, follow the hallway until you find lit classrooms.
PARKING: Additional parking may be found at:

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church parking lot (marked by a blue blotch)
  • Sabina Apartments (underground?) parking, open to the public

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here

Posted on

ACC Feb. G/90 Standard Swiss

This slow swiss takes place over 4 weeks, with games on February 21st, 28th, and March 7th and 14th. G/90 with 30 sec. increment per move. 4 round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $20.00 all.

Austin Chess Club is hosting another serious swiss tournament. USCF membership must not expire before March 31, 2021.

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. The event has the potential to run late. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. One round may last upwards of 4 hours.

Last chance registration happens onsite 6:00pm – 6:25pm on February 21st. No pre-registration for round 1 is necessary. Email pre-registration is accepted; however, online with payment is preferred! If you email to register, you must show up and pay no later than 6:25pm! First round begins at 6:30pm. Please be on time! Participants who wish to enter the tournament late may email Austin Chess Club. Late entry must be made before 10am on Sunday, February 28th to secure a round 2 pairing.

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.


Bridge Center of Austin
6700 Middle Fiskville Road
next to Taj Palace
Austin TX 78752