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Mathnasium Summer Chess Camp #5 – Fantastic Finales!

Summer Chess Camps at Mathnasium feature five exciting days of an immersive, interactive chess environment.  Each camp includes a unique fun-filled theme and is taught by National Master Paul Chaplin. Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance… first come first served! For more information visit

Camp 5:  Fantastic Finales! – Game ending crescendos and on-point techniques are investigated.  Middlegames and endgames are served up with clarity. To recall a famous Lasker quote, “The hardest game to win is a won game.”

Date and Time: 5th camp session: August 4-8,  2025, 8am – 3pm
+Drop-off: 7:30 – 8am
+Camp begins: 8am.
+Lunchtime: approx 11:30am
+Pick-up: 3pm

Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form and submit online.

Cedar Park Mathnasium
13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Answers to many questions (rules, refunds, policies) are available online.
Contact Cedar Park Mathnasium (, 512-869-6284) if you have questions about registering for this event. Contact Paul Chaplin ( if you have questions about chess content.

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Mathnasium Summer Chess Camp #4 – Turbochess!

Summer Chess Camps at Mathnasium feature five exciting days of an immersive, interactive chess environment.  Each camp includes a unique fun-filled theme and is taught by National Master Paul Chaplin. Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance… first come first served! For more information visit

Camp 4 : Turbochess! – Phenomenal games of historic titans and current digital-era maestros will be hi-lighted to enlighten and inspire the student. Game selections from 150+ years of world class players like Anderssen, Morphy (1800s), Lasker, Alekhine, Tal, Fischer , Kasparov (1900s) to current-century players like Anand, Carlsen, Ding and Gukesh.

Date and Time: 4th camp session: July 21-25,  2025, 8am – 3pm
+Drop-off: 7:30 – 8am
+Camp begins: 8am.
+Lunchtime: approx 11:30am
+Pick-up: 3pm

Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form and submit online.

Cedar Park Mathnasium
13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Answers to many questions (rules, refunds, policies) are available online.
Contact Cedar Park Mathnasium (, 512-869-6284) if you have questions about registering for this event. Contact Paul Chaplin ( if you have questions about chess content.

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Mathnasium Summer Chess Camp #3 – Brilliancies & Howlers!

Summer Chess Camps at Mathnasium feature five exciting days of an immersive, interactive chess environment.  Each camp includes a unique fun-filled theme and is taught by National Master Paul Chaplin. Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance… first come first served! For more information visit

Camp 3:  Brilliancies and Howlers! – Chess to excite! This digital era dazzles and entertains us… as well as leaves us confounded and shaking our heads! Students experience the best and worst from today’s speed-demon favorites like Carlsen, Nakamura, Firouza, Nepo, Pragg — and the list goes on…!

Date and Time: 3rd camp session: July 7-11,  2025, 8am – 3pm
+Drop-off: 7:30 – 8am
+Camp begins: 8am.
+Lunchtime: approx 11:30am
+Pick-up: 3pm

Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form and submit online.

Cedar Park Mathnasium
13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Answers to many questions (rules, refunds, policies) are available online.
Contact Cedar Park Mathnasium (, 512-869-6284) if you have questions about registering for this event. Contact Paul Chaplin ( if you have questions about chess content.

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Mathnasium Summer Chess Camp #2 – Check & Mate

Summer Chess Camps at Mathnasium feature five exciting days of an immersive, interactive chess environment.  Each camp includes a unique fun-filled theme and is taught by National Master Paul Chaplin. Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance… first come first served! For more information visit

Camp 2:  Check and Mate! – The ultimate goal pursued with mesmerizing attacks conjured up and calculated by today’s greatest masters — and historical greats of the past. Students can expect to add crushing mating nets, king hunts and other game-ending attacks to their skills.

Date and Time:  2nd camp session: June 16-20  2025, 8am – 3pm
+Drop-off: 7:30 – 8am
+Camp begins: 8am.
+Lunchtime: approx 11:30am
+Pick-up: 3pm

Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form and submit online.

Cedar Park Mathnasium
13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Answers to many questions (rules, refunds, policies) are available online.
Contact Cedar Park Mathnasium (, 512-869-6284) if you have questions about registering for this event. Contact Paul Chaplin ( if you have questions about chess content.

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Mathnasium Summer Chess Camp #1 – Wild Openings

Summer Chess Camps at Mathnasium feature five exciting days of an immersive, interactive chess environment.  Each camp includes a unique fun-filled theme and is taught by National Master Paul Chaplin. Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance… first come first served! For more information visit

Camp 1: Wild Openings – Traps, Plots and Pitfalls! Expect the unexpected! Learn how to set up (and avoid falling for!) quick tactical zingers — especially prevalent in today’s faster time controls!  Learn to play knockout moves like the greats — from Morphy and Steinitz to Carlsen and Gukesh!

Date and Time: 1st camp session: June 2-6,  2025, 8am – 3pm
+Drop-off: 7:30 – 8am
+Camp begins: 8am.
+Lunchtime: approx 11:30am
+Pick-up: 3pm

Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form and submit online.

Cedar Park Mathnasium
13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100
Cedar Park, TX 78613

Answers to many questions (rules, refunds, policies) are available online.
Contact Cedar Park Mathnasium (, 512-869-6284) if you have questions about registering for this event. Contact Paul Chaplin ( if you have questions about chess content.

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ACC USCF G/90 Standard Swiss

This slow swiss takes place over 4 weeks, with games on April 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th. G/90 with 30 sec. increment per move. 4 round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $20.00 all. Online registration and payment requested (coming soon).

USCF membership must not expire before April 30, 2025.

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. The event has the potential to run late. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. One round may last upwards of 4 hours.

Last chance registration happens onsite 3:00-3:45pm on April 5th. No pre-registration for round 1 is necessary. Email pre-registration is accepted; however, online payment is preferred! If you email to register, you must show up and pay no later than 3:45pm! First round begins at 4pm. Please be on time! Participants who wish to enter the tournament late may email Austin Chess Club. Late entry must be made (emailed) before 10am on Saturday, April 12th to secure a round 2 pairing.

The Upbring School of Arts and Sciences
3407 Red River St
Austin TX 78705

Finding the club Click for picture of area.
FIND THE ENTRANCE: Enter the front parking lot of the school via Luther Lane (green line on photo). Find the elevator outside the building (marked on photo by green dot);
go up the stairs to enter via the door, follow the hallway until you find lit classrooms.
PARKING: Additional parking may be found at:

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church parking lot (marked by a blue blotch)
  • Sabina Apartments (underground?) parking, open to the public

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.
Please read the website before contacting us. Contact information is available at

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ACC USCF G/90 Standard Swiss

This slow swiss takes place over 4 weeks, with games on March 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd. G/90 with 30 sec. increment per move. 4 round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $20.00 all. Online registration and payment requested (coming soon).

USCF membership must not expire before March 31, 2025.

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. The event has the potential to run late. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. One round may last upwards of 4 hours.

Last chance registration happens onsite 3:00-3:45pm on March 1st. No pre-registration for round 1 is necessary. Email pre-registration is accepted; however, online payment is preferred! If you email to register, you must show up and pay no later than 3:45pm! First round begins at 4pm. Please be on time! Participants who wish to enter the tournament late may email Austin Chess Club. Late entry must be made (emailed) before 10am on Saturday, March 8th to secure a round 2 pairing.

The Upbring School of Arts and Sciences
3407 Red River St
Austin TX 78705

Finding the club Click for picture of area.
FIND THE ENTRANCE: Enter the front parking lot of the school via Luther Lane (green line on photo). Find the elevator outside the building (marked on photo by green dot);
go up the stairs to enter via the door, follow the hallway until you find lit classrooms.
PARKING: Additional parking may be found at:

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church parking lot (marked by a blue blotch)
  • Sabina Apartments (underground?) parking, open to the public

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.
Please read the website before contacting us. Contact information is available at

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ACC USCF Quick-rated G/24 Swiss

A one-day tournament on March 29th offering G/24 with 5 sec. delay per move. 4 Round Swiss. Sections dependent on turnout. EF: $15.00 all. USCF membership required.  Online registration and payment suggested (coming soon).

Austin Chess Club is a wonderful atmosphere for the mature, experienced chess player. Scholastic players are welcome, but expected to play quiet, serious chess. We suggest that scholastic players have reached a rating of 400 before participating.  USCF membership must not expire before March 31, 2025. Please renew with the USCF ( before coming to the event.

We would like to start on-time. Please arrive early. Entries must be received and paid in full by 3:45pm.  Online entry preferred.

Cost is $15/player. We would like the first round to begin at 4:00pm sharp. Doors open at 3:00pm, so please arrive early. Follow the signs to our meeting areas.

Please bring a set and a board. We look forward to seeing you!

The Upbring School of Arts and Sciences
3407 Red River St
Austin TX 78705

Finding the club Click for picture of area.
FIND THE ENTRANCE: Enter the front parking lot of the school via Luther Lane (green line on photo). Find the elevator outside the building (marked on photo by green dot);
go up the stairs to enter via the door, follow the hallway until you find lit classrooms.
PARKING: Additional parking may be found at:

  • St. Paul Lutheran Church parking lot (marked by a blue blotch)
  • Sabina Apartments (underground?) parking, open to the public

For more information about the Austin Chess Club, click here.
Please read the website before contacting us. Contact information is available at Please read the website thoroughly before emailing with questions.

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Austin Chess Tour 2: Open Qualifier #5

The Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy is hosting an Open USCF Rated Tournament on May 17, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM.  USCF Membership required.   Capacity: 80 players!

Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy
12466 Los Indios Trail, Ste 100
Austin, TX 78729
Free parking provided!

4SS, time controls determined by section
SECTION A:  1800 +  USCF rated
SECTION B:  1400 – 1799  USCF rated
SECTION C:  1000-1399 USCF rated
SECTION D:  U1000 USCF rated

**Players are not allowed to play up or down**

● May 2025 official USCF ratings will be used.
● Unofficial USCF ratings will be used if unrated or to play in a
higher section.
● Players must reveal foreign, FIDE, and other over-the-board
ratings. These ratings will be adjusted, if necessary, and may be
used if they are higher than USCF ratings.

Sections A & B (all rounds G/60, d5)
●  1st round: 10:00 AM
●  2nd round: 12:15 AM
●  Lunch break: 2:30 PM
●  3rd round: 3:30 PM
●  4th round: 5:45 PM

Sections C & D (all rounds G/45, d5)

●  1st round: 10:00 AM
●  2nd round: 11:45 AM
●  Lunch break: 1:30 PM
●  3rd round: 2:30 PM
●  4th round: 4:15 PM

●  Closing ceremony for any section takes place after the last game finishes for that section.
NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT. Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture.

●  Early Bird: $50  by May 11th at 11:59 pm.
●  $60 on or after May 12th (if space is available)
For additional questions, please contact us at
Link for registration:

●  Section A : $400, $200, $100
●  Section B: $200, $100, $50
●  Section C: $100, $75, $50
●  Section D: Chess books
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each section.

The top 10 places in Section A will earn points according to the following table
1st Place: 25 OQ Points
2nd Place: 18 OQ Points
3rd Place: 15 OQ Points
4th Place: 12 OQ Points
5th Place: 10 OQ Points
6th Place: 8 OQ Points
7th Place: 6 OQ Points
8th Place: 4 OQ Points
9th Place: 2 OQ Points
10th Place: 1 OQ Points

For more information about the point system, visit

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance.  We reserve the right to charge a $15 service fee for cancellations.  NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you would like to withdraw from the tournament after it begins, please alert the tournament director. 
NO refunds will be issued after the tournament begins. 

NO-SHOW POLICY: There are NO refunds or credit for players who do not show up for their scheduled tournament matches.

Please contact us at for any additional questions or concerns. 

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Austin Chess Tour 2: Open Qualifier #4

The Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy is hosting an Open USCF Rated Tournament on April 19, 2025 from 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM.  USCF Membership required.   Capacity: 80 players!

Austin Grandmaster Chess Academy
12466 Los Indios Trail, Ste 100
Austin, TX 78729
Free parking provided!

4SS, time controls determined by section
SECTION A:  1800 +  USCF rated
SECTION B:  1400 – 1799  USCF rated
SECTION C:  1000-1399 USCF rated
SECTION D:  U1000 USCF rated

**Players are not allowed to play up or down**

● April 2025 official USCF ratings will be used.
● Unofficial USCF ratings will be used if unrated or to play in a
higher section.
● Players must reveal foreign, FIDE, and other over-the-board
ratings. These ratings will be adjusted, if necessary, and may be
used if they are higher than USCF ratings.

Sections A & B (all rounds G/60, d5)
●  1st round: 10:00 AM
●  2nd round: 12:15 AM
●  Lunch break: 2:30 PM
●  3rd round: 3:30 PM
●  4th round: 5:45 PM

Sections C & D (all rounds G/45, d5)

●  1st round: 10:00 AM
●  2nd round: 11:45 AM
●  Lunch break: 1:30 PM
●  3rd round: 2:30 PM
●  4th round: 4:15 PM

●  Closing ceremony for any section takes place after the last game finishes for that section.
NOTE: Half-point byes are acceptable for all rounds, limit 1. Must commit before the 1st round.

PLAYERS MAY NOT POSSESS CELL PHONES DURING THE TOURNAMENT. Any violators may be subject to disqualification and forfeiture.

●  Early Bird: $50  by April 13th at 11:59 pm.
●  $60 on or after April 14th (if space is available)
For additional questions, please contact us at
Link for registration:

●  Section A : $400, $200, $100
●  Section B: $200, $100, $50
●  Section C: $100, $75, $50
●  Section D: Chess books
Medals will be awarded to the top 3 finishers in each section.

The top 10 places in Section A will earn points according to the following table
1st Place: 25 OQ Points
2nd Place: 18 OQ Points
3rd Place: 15 OQ Points
4th Place: 12 OQ Points
5th Place: 10 OQ Points
6th Place: 8 OQ Points
7th Place: 6 OQ Points
8th Place: 4 OQ Points
9th Place: 2 OQ Points
10th Place: 1 OQ Points

For more information about the point system, visit

CANCELLATION POLICY: If you do not wish to participate in our tournament after paying the entry fee, please email us at no later than 24 hours in advance.  We reserve the right to charge a $15 service fee for cancellations.  NO refunds will be issued if we are notified of cancellation within 24 hours of the start of the event.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: If you would like to withdraw from the tournament after it begins, please alert the tournament director. 
NO refunds will be issued after the tournament begins. 

NO-SHOW POLICY: There are NO refunds or credit for players who do not show up for their scheduled tournament matches.

Please contact us at for any additional questions or concerns.