2025 Region VI Scholastic Chess Championships
An in person, 5 round USCF dual-rated chess tournament taking place on Saturday, February 22, 2025 for scholastic chess players residing in TCA’s Region VI
View the tournament details before you register!
Primary Novice
This section is for young players who are quite new to tournament chess. Players must be in 3rd grade or younger. All brand new players are welcome and new Kinder, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders are encouraged to play in this section. Players with any tournament experience must be rated below 300. USCF ID required. JTP’s ok.
Primary JV
This section is for our youngest players who are still relatively new to tournament chess. Players must be in 3rd grade or younger. All brand new players are welcome. Experienced players must be rated below 600. USCF ID required. JTP’s ok.
Primary Championship
This section is for our most experienced players, 3rd grade or younger. All players are welcome; however, the section is intended for players rated 600 and above. Expect games to be very competitive and run longer. The winner of this section is crowned Primary Champion of Region VI. USCF ID required. JTP’s ok.
Elementary Novice
This section is for Elementary students who are very new to tournament chess. Players must be in Elementary school (including 6th graders who attend an elementary school). All brand new players are welcome and new 4th and 5th graders are encouraged to play in this section. Experienced players must be rated below 300. USCF membership required.
Elementary JV
This section is for Elementary students who are relatively new to tournament chess. Players must be in Elementary school (including 6th graders who attend an elementary school). All brand new players are welcome. Experienced players must be rated below 600. USCF membership required.
Elementary Varsity
This section, aimed at more experienced Elementary players, is open to any player who attends an Elementary school and is rated below 900. USCF membership required.
Elementary Championship
This section is for our most experienced Elementary players. Players must be in Elementary school (including 6th graders who attend an elementary school). All players are welcome; however, this section is intended for players rated 900 and above. Expect games to be very competitive and run longer. The winner of this section is crowned Elementary Champion of Region VI. USCF membership required.
Middle School Varsity
This section is for Middle School students who are less experienced with tournament chess. (Homeschooled 6th graders play in a Middle School section.) All brand new players are welcome. Experienced players must be rated below 1000. USCF membership required.
Middle School Championship
This section is for our most experienced Middle School players. (Homeschooled 6th graders play in a Middle School section.) All players are welcome; however, the section is intended for players rated 1000 and above. Expect games to be very competitive and run longer. The winner of this section is crowned Middle School Champion of Region VI. USCF membership required.
High School Varsity
This section is for High School students who are less experienced with tournament chess. All brand new players are welcome. Experienced players must be rated below 1000. USCF membership required.
High School Championship
This section is for our most experienced High School players. All players are welcome; however, the section is intended for players rated 1000+ and above. Expect games to be very competitive and run longer. The winner of this section is crowned High School Champion of Region VI. USCF membership required.