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Open and K-12 Elite Sections at the Paragon Prep 2025 April Scholastic Tournament

The Open and K-12 Sections held in conjunction with the Rocks & Rooks scholastic chess tournament on April 12, 2025. The last major Rocks & Rooks event of the school year! This USCF rated chess tournament is for adults and more advanced scholastic players.

Online Registration is now open!

Verify your entry on the advance entry list.


This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks (bring your own if at all possible), and mandatory notation. If registrations exceed 32 in any one section, we reserve the right to split into two sections.


Paragon Prep
7944 Great Northern Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757


Open Section:
All adults
Any youth who have reached at least 1200 on the April 2025 USCF supplement (exceptions made for live ratings).
K-12 Elite:

Any youth rated between 950 and 1299 on the April 2025 USCF supplement (exceptions made for live ratings).

Ineligible entries will be moved to the appropriate ‘under’ scholastic section of the Paragon Prep April 2025 Scholastic Tournament

This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Adults new to tournament chess are welcome to play in the open section. Youth players MUST have a ratings-history. Your USCF membership cannot expire before April 12, 2025.  USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out.


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:45 a.m. K-12 Elite begins
9:15 a.m. Open  sections begin.
Open has 4 rounds of G/45,+5; K-12 Elite has 5 rounds of G/40, +5.

No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, player info edits be made onsite with your chief TD and go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Open and K-12 Elite Sections*:
Open (4 rounds):
rd 1 – 9:15am, rd 2 – 11:10am, rd 3 – 1:25pm, rd 4 – 3:30pm
K-12 Elite (5 rounds):
rd 1 – 8:45am, rd 2 – 10:35am, rd 3 – 12:25pm, rd 4 – 2:15pm, rd 5 – 4:00pm

(Sections will play in separate rooms.)


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities.

Concessions will be offered for purchase. You may bring your lunch and snacks.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Open section:
Cash prizes
based on number of entries. Special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams  (Uncles, Aunts, Siblings, Parents, or Grandparents paired with at least one scholastic aged player.). 
K-12 Elite:
Trophies to top finishers. Medals to positive scores not receiving a trophy. Trophies top teams.  

Registration Information

Registration is now open!

*$40 (youth) /$30 (adult) thru Saturday, 3/1/2025
*$50 (youth) /$40 (adult) thru Saturday, 3/22/2025
*$55 (youth) /$45 (adult) as of Sunday, 3/23/2025 and ENDS at 5pm on Thursday 04/10/25, at which time online entry closes.
*$65 (youth) / $50 (adult) Late entry (after regular online entry closes), IF space is available. Link will be available from the time regular online entry closes thru 9:30am Saturday 4/12/2025.  All scholastic late entries receive a 1/2pt bye in round 1, and begin play in round 2. Open section first round play requires registration and payment before 8:45am Saturday.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday 04/09/25 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes.
*K-12 Elite: Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 04/11/2025. All 1/2-point byes must be requested or removed before the end of round 2. After 9am Friday, please make all changes and requests onsite at Chess Control.
*Open section: Will be paired onsite. 
Round 1 changes must be made no later than 8:45am.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

View the ONLINE TLA!

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Paragon Prep April 2025 Scholastic Tournament

The last Rocks & Rooks scholastic chess tournament of the school year, held on April 12, 2025  All sections are G/25, +5.  Trophies and medals awarded top individuals AND teams! A tournament for adults and youth rated 1000+ offered as well! 
A (timed) chess puzzle contest will be held from 10am – 4pm (come when you have free time). $5 entry onsite (venmo or cash). Trophies to top winner(s) in each age bracket.

Registration is open!

Verify your entry on the Advance Entry (Pre-registration) list. 


USCF rated chess tournament on April 12th in multiple RATED scholastic sections: K-3 U400, K-5 U600, K-5 U1000, 6-12 U600, and 6-12 U1000. Please note: all scholastic players rated 1000 and over must play in the Open or K-12 Elite sections. View the Advance Entry List online. Please note, at the event pairings will be posted only online.  

This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks if available, and notation. K-3 U400 section is excused from taking notation. Please review the Parent/Coach Responsibilities before registering


Paragon Prep
7944 Great Northern Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757


This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before April 30, 2025. USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out. (New players in 3rd grade and below may request a non-member ID as a part of USCF’s Junior Tournament Player program during registration. JTPs ok in K-3 U400 only.)

“Under” sections are only for students meeting the rating criteria. All players who are new to tournaments are eligible for their age appropriate ‘under’ section. (Look up your player’s rating here. Please email the registrar or ask your chess coach for placement information.
If your 6th grader attends an Elementary School, please contact the registrar for options. With enough registrations, any section may be divided into two sections so we can offer more prizes. Sections with fewer than 20 entries may be merged into a similar section to provide optimal pairings and competition.

Please note: April 2024 ‘Regular’ OTB ratings will be used for pairing purposes. If no regular rating is available, then other USCF ratings (quick, blitz, online) can and will be considered for section placement.  Requests to play down will not be honored. FYI: Any event that is rated after March 19th will not affect your April supplement rating, as those events takes place after April ratings are calculated.

All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:00 a.m. Chess Control opens for onsite registration.  Onsite registrations before 9:30am accepted, but must start play in round 2.
8:30 a.m Announcements
begin in all scholastic playing rooms.
Players and coaches should be present.
9:00 a.m. Rd 1 begins.
Scholastic sections have 5 rds, G/25, +5.
9:00 a.m. Open section
(different event allowing adults) begins. Open has 4 rounds, all rounds are are G/45, +5.
9:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Chess control open for event issues. No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, and player or school information edits go in effect immediately if made via email before the close of online registration. Changes requested onsite go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Scholastic Sections:
round 1 – 9:00am, rd 2 – 11:00am, rd 3 – 12:45 pm, rd 4 – 2:30 pm, rd 5 – 4:00 pm


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities. Parents and/or coaches, please provide age-appropriate activities during the time between rounds. The organizers cannot baby-sit. No child should be left unattended!

Food will be offered for purchase.  You may also bring lunch and snacks.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Trophies & Medals to Top Contenders! Ribbons to all participants!

Trophies to the top individuals in each scholastic section. Trophies to the top teams in all sections. Number of individual and team trophies will depend on number of entries. Chess medals will go to all players (excluding Open section) that finish the tournament with a positive score (3.0 & 3.5 points). Trophies to players scoring 4.0 and above. No teams in Open section, but special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams (Uncles, Aunts, Siblings, Parents, Grandparents, or coach paired with at least one scholastic aged player.)

Registration Information

Registration is now open!

*$40 thru Saturday, 3/1/2025
*$50 thru Saturday, 3/22/2025
*$55 as of Sunday, 3/23/2025 and ENDS at 5pm on Thursday 04/10/25, at which time online entry closes.
*$65 Onsite entry, if space is available . Receives 1/2pt bye in round 1, and begins play in round 2.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday, 4/09/2025 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 04/11/2025. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2. After 9am Friday, please make all changes and requests onsite at Chess Control.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

View the ONLINE TLA!

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Open and K-12 Elite Sections at the Paragon Prep 2025 January Scholastic Tournament

The Open and K-12 Sections held in conjunction with the Rocks & Rooks scholastic chess tournament on January 25, 2025. USCF rated chess tournament for adults and more advanced scholastic players. Open plays 4SS at G/45,+5 and K-12 Elite plays 5SS at G/40,+5.

Verify your entry on the advance entry list.

Thank you for playing! Final Results are online!  The tournament has been rated by the USCF.


This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks (bring your own if at all possible), and mandatory notation. If registrations exceed 32, we reserve the right to split into two sections.


Paragon Prep
7944 Great Northern Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757


Open Section:
All adults
Any youth who have reached at least 1300 by the January 2025 USCF supplement.
K-12 Elite:

Any youth rated between 950 and 1399 on the January 2025 USCF Supplement

Ineligible entries will be moved to the appropriate ‘under’ scholastic section of the Paragon Prep 2025 January Scholastic. 

This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before January 31, 2025.  USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out.


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:45 a.m. K-12 Elite begins
9:15 a.m. Open  sections begin.
Open has 4 rounds of G/45,+5; K-12 Elite has 5 rounds of G/40, +5.

No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, player info edits be made onsite with your chief TD and go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Open and K-12 Elite Sections*:
Open (4 rounds):
rd 1 – 9:15am, rd 2 – 11:10am, rd 3 – 1:25pm, rd 4 – 3:30pm
K-12 Elite (5 rounds):
rd 1 – 8:45am, rd 2 – 10:35am, rd 3 – 12:25pm, rd 4 – 2:15pm, rd 5 – 4:00pm

(Sections will play in separate rooms.)


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities.

Zaika’s Indian Kitchen will be offering a luncheon menu (11:00am – 2:30pm) for purchase at the event and the NYOS chess club will offer snacks and drinks for purchase.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Open section:
Cash prizes
based on number of entries. Special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams  (Uncles, Aunts, Siblings, Parents, or Grandparents paired with at least one scholastic aged player.). 
K-12 Elite:
Trophies to top finishers. Medals to positive scores not receiving a trophy. Trophies top teams.  

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment. 

*youth – $40/adult – $30 thru Wednesday, 12/25/2024.
*youth – $45/adult – $35 thru Wednesday, 01/15/2025
*youth – $50/adult – $40 thru Thursday, 1/23/2025 5pm
*$60 Late entry (after regular online entry closes), IF space is available. Link will be available from the time regular online entry closes thru 9:30am Saturday 1/25/2025.  All scholastic late entries receive a 1/2pt bye in round 1, and begin play in round 2. Open section first round play requires registration and payment before 8:45am Saturday.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday 01/22/2025 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 01/24/2025. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

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Paragon Prep January 2025 Scholastic Tournament

Another Rocks & Rooks scholastic chess tournament in multiple sections on January 25, 2025.  All sections are G/25, +5.  Trophies and medals awarded top individuals AND teams! A tournament for adults and youth rated 1000+ offered as well! 

Verify your entry on the advance entry list.

FINAL RESULTS have been posted!
The event has been rated by the USCF.


USCF rated chess tournament on January 25th in multiple RATED scholastic sections: K-3 U400, K-5 U600, K-5 U1000, 6-12 U600, and 6-12 U1000. Please note: all scholastic players rated 1000 and over must play in the Open or K-12 Elite sections. View the Advance Entry List online. Please note, at the event pairings will be posted only online.

This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks if available, and notation. K-3 U400 section is excused from taking notation. Please review the Parent/Coach Responsibilities before registering.


Paragon Prep
7944 Great Northern Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757

Chess play will take place in classrooms in the Elementary Building on Great Northern. Review a map of campus.


This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before January 31, 2025. USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out. (New players in 3rd grade and below may request a non-member ID as a part of USCF’s Junior Tournament Player program during registration. JTPs ok in K-3 U400 only.)

“Under” sections are only for students meeting the rating criteria. All players who are new to tournaments are eligible for their age appropriate ‘under’ section. (Look up your player’s rating here. Please email the registrar or ask your chess coach for placement information.
If your 6th grader attends an Elementary School, please contact the registrar for options. With enough registrations, any section may be divided into two sections so we can offer more prizes. Sections with fewer than 20 entries may be merged into a similar section to provide optimal pairings and competition.

Please note: January 2025 ‘Regular’ OTB ratings will be used for pairing purposes. If no regular rating is available, then other USCF ratings (quick, blitz, online) can and will be considered for section placement.  Requests to play down will not be honored. FYI: Any event that is rated after December 18th will not affect your January supplement rating, as those events takes place after January ratings are calculated.

All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:00 a.m. Chess Control opens for onsite registration.  Onsite registrations before 9:30am accepted (space permitting), but will begin play in round 2.
8:30 a.m Announcements
 begin in all scholastic playing rooms.
Players and coaches should be present.
8:45 a.m. K-12 Elite 
(different event for advanced youth. 5SS, all rounds are are G/40, +5.) begins.
9:00 a.m. Rd 1 for all Scholastic ‘under’ sections begins. 
Scholastic sections have 5 rds, G/25, +5.
9:15 a.m. Open section 
(different event allowing adults) begins. Open has 4 rounds, all rounds are are G/45, +5.
9:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Chess control open for event issues. No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, and player or school information edits go in effect immediately if made via email before the close of online registration. Changes requested onsite go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Scholastic Sections:
round 1 – 9:00am, rd 2 – 11:00am, rd 3 – 12:45 pm, rd 4 – 2:30 pm, rd 5 – 4:00 pm


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities. Parents and/or coaches, please provide age-appropriate activities during the time between rounds. The organizers cannot baby-sit. No child should be left unattended!

Zaika’s Indian Kitchen will be offering a luncheon menu (11:00am – 2:30pm) for purchase at the event and the NYOS chess club will offer snacks and drinks for purchase.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Trophies & Medals to Top Contenders! Ribbons to all participants!

Trophies to the top individuals in each scholastic section. Trophies to the top teams in all sections. Number of individual and team trophies will depend on number of entries. Chess medals will go to all players (excluding Open section) that finish the tournament with a positive score (3.0 & 3.5 points). Trophies to players scoring 4.0 and above. No teams in Open section, but special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams (Uncles, Aunts, Siblings, Parents, Grandparents, or coach paired with at least one scholastic aged player.)

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment.  

*$40 thru Wednesday, 12/25/2024
*$45 thru Wednesday, 01/15/2025
*$50 thru  Thursday 01/23/25 5pm, at which time online entry closes.
*$60 Late entry, if space is available. Link will be available from the time regular online entry closes thru 9:30am Saturday 1/25/2025.  All late entries receive a 1/2pt bye in round 1, and begins play in round 2.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday, 1/22/2025 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 1/24/2025. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.


If you do not find the answer to your question after reading the tournament description and FAQ list, please email Lori Balkum, registrar ( No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

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Open Section at the 2025 Region VI Chess Championships

USCF rated chess tournament for all adults and scholastic players rated 1200 and up who do not reside in TCA’s Region VI.  (Players who reside and attend school in Region VI should register for the scholastic championships.)

Register online today!

View the advance entry list online.

Day-of reminders:
Read our player reminder(you are responsible for all this info!)
+Playing locations (campus map):
+Open Section – Bldg 2, room 346
+Your 1st round starts promptly at 9:15!
+Pairings will probably be online. (Paper copies in your room as well.)
+Food will be offered for purchase (see description of offerings below).  You may also bring lunch and snacks.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.
+If you have kids playing – make sure they have someone to help them if you’re still occupied with your game.
+No Check in necessary. If you have paid, you will play!
+Watch for a player reminder email.  Check your junk folder!


This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks (bring your own if at all possible), and mandatory notation. If registrations exceed 40, we will split into two sections.


NYOS Charter School
12333 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78753

Open section chess play will take place in a classroom.
Review a map of campus.


All adults
Youth (high school or younger) who do NOT reside in TCA’s Region VI and have reached 1200 at some point in their ratings history.

Ineligible entries will be moved to the appropriate scholastic section of the 2025 Region VI Scholastic Chess ChampionshipsThis is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before February 28, 2025.  USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out.


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
9:00 a.m. Open section begins. Open has 4 rounds, all rounds are are G/45, +5.
No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, player info edits and school information may be made onsite and go into effect as of round 2. Onsite registrations possible, but only only at the discretion of the open section TD, if space permits. Register online!

Approximate Round Times

Open Section:
rd 1 – 9:15am, rd2 – 11:15am, lunch break, rd3 – 1:45pm, rd4 – 3:45pm


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities.

Concessions available for purchase.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.


Cash prizes (to winners in both sections, in the case of multiple sections), based on number of entries. Special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams  (Uncles, Aunts, Adult siblings, Parents, or Grandparents paired with at least one scholastic aged player.). 

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment. Register online today!

*Early entry $35 thru  Saturday, 11/30/2024
* Regular entry $40 thru Friday, 01/31/2025
* Late entry $45 thru Thursday, 02/20/2025.  Online entry closes at NOON.
**If space permits, onsite registration will be permitted, $50. Cash or venmo only. First round play requires registration before 8:40am.

Withdrawals requested via email before noon on Thursday 02/20/2025 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Ineligible entries will be withdrawn and refunded (minus a service fee).  PLEASE READ THE FULL TOURNAMENT DESCRIPTION.  Email the registrar if you have questions about eligibility. **If you live in the Austin or San Antonio areas and are a youth  – you DO NOT qualify to play in the this open event!**

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 8:45am, Saturday morning. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

View the ONLINE TLA!

Posted on

Open and K-12 Elite Sections at the Paragon Prep 2024 November Scholastic Tournament

The Open and K-12 Sections held in conjunction with the Rocks & Rooks scholastic chess tournament on November 23, 2024. USCF rated chess tournament for adults and more advanced scholastic players. Open plays 4SS at G/45,+5 and K-12 Elite plays 5SS at G/40,+5.

Final Results are available!
The tournament has been rated by the USCF.

Verify your entry on the advance entry list.

Day-of reminders:
+We play in the ELEMENTARY BUILDING on Great Northern.  This is the building BEHIND the big black middle school building!
+Read our player reminders (you are responsible for all this info!)
+Pairings will be online.
+K-12 Elite
games will be played in Room 113.  Open Section games will be played in Room 140B. (building map).
+Announcements at 8:45. We start promptly at 9am!
+Zaika’s Indian Kitchen will be offering a lunch menu, and light snacks and drinks will also be available – all for purchase.
+Watch for a player reminder email on Thursday – check your junk folder!


This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks (bring your own if at all possible), and mandatory notation. If registrations are high, we reserve the right to split the open section into two sections.


Paragon Prep
7944 Great Northern Boulevard
Austin, TX 78757


Open Section:
All adults
Any youth who have reached at least 1300 by the November 2024 USCF supplement.
K-12 Elite:

Any youth rated between 950 and 1399 on the November 2024 USCF Supplement

Ineligible entries will be moved to the appropriate ‘under’  section of the Paragon Prep November 2024 Scholastic Chess Tournament. 

This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before November 30, 2024.  USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out.


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:45 a.m. K-12 Elite begins
9:15 a.m. Open  sections begin.
Open has 4 rounds of G/45,+5; K-12 Elite has 5 rounds of G/40, +5.

No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, player info edits be made onsite with your chief TD and go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Open and K-12 Elite Sections*:
Open (4 rounds):
rd 1 – 9:15am, rd 2 – 11:10am, rd 3 – 1:25pm, rd 4 – 3:30pm
K-12 Elite (5 rounds):
rd 1 – 8:45am, rd 2 – 10:35am, rd 3 – 12:25pm, rd 4 – 2:15pm, rd 5 – 4:00pm

(Sections will play in separate rooms.)


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities.

Zaika’s Indian Kitchen will be offering a luncheon menu (11:00am – 2:30pm) at the event: Chicken and Rice Marsala, Vegetable Plate, Samosas, Chai, Mango Lassi, and a Vegan Plate. Prices range from $2 to $10.   Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Open section:
Cash prizes
based on number of entries. Special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams  (Uncles, Aunts, Siblings, Parents, or Grandparents paired with at least one scholastic aged player.). 
K-12 Elite:
Trophies to top finishers. Medals to positive scores not receiving a trophy. Trophies top teams.  

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment.

(Youth pricing good for either K-12 Elite or Open.)
*youth – $40/adult – $30 thru Wednesday, 10/30/2024
*youth – $45/adult – $35 thru Saturday, 11/16/2024.
*Late entry youth-$50 / adult – $40 begins Sunday, 11/17/2024 and ENDS at 5pm on Thursday 10/21/24, at which time online entry closes.
*If space permits, onsite registration on Saturday, 11/23/24 will be permitted, $60 youth – $50 adult. Cash or venmo only. First round play requires registration and payment before 8:40am.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday 11/20/24 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 11/22/2024. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

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2024 Chess in the Park Advance Entry List

All registrations appear automatically. Please allow a few days for the registrar to review your entry. 

If your name has a , your registration is complete.
If your name has a , the registrar has a question about your registration. Please contact the registrar if you have not already been contacted.
If there is no symbol in front of your name, your verification is in process.

Jump to: Scholastic (K-12) section,  Open Section.

Return to the Chess in the Park tournament page.

Scholastic (K-12)

NameUSCF IDRatingByes
Downie, Dylan
Longoria, Rachel H
Kim, Yura
Francis, Elle
Semalaiappan, Sidharth
Cohen, Jamos
Zenkevics, Oskar
Zenkevics, Mark
Section count: 8

Open (adults and youth)

NameUSCF IDRatingByes
Longoria, Sergio N
Belmonte, Jesus Alfredo
Lindberg, Mark
Section count: 3

Total tournament registrants: 11

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2024 Chris Riley Memorial Wooldridge Square -Park Chess Tournament

Chess outdoors in Wooldridge park! Unrated 4 round G/20 tournament for all ages in 2 sections: one K-12 and one open section. Limited to the first 40 paid players. No elimination – play all rounds whether you win or lose! Please dress appropriately as this is an outdoor event with only some tree shading.

Please register onsite!

View the Advance Entries.

The late Chris Riley was a very dedicated and passionate supporter of introducing chess
to the community. He volunteered on most Saturdays from 2003 – 2023 at Wooldridge Square Park,
near his home in downtown Austin, to organize chess matches for all ages and abilities with a Giant Chess
set kept at the park.  This project that he co-founded helped attract people to a beautiful park that is underutilized for many enjoyable moments for the players as well as interested spectators.

November 3, 2024

Alternative Location
Wooldridge Park
9th and Guadalupe
near Downtown
Austin, TX

The park is on the corner of 9th and Guadalupe.  Plenty of street parking is available.


  • Open
  • K-12

*Sections may be split if registrations are high.
*All sections are unrated.  NO USCF membership required.
*Restricted to the first 40 players.

Rounds and Times

Four Rounds at a time control of G/20.

  • We play approximately noon – 5pm.
  • Registration & Check-in required: 11:20am – 11:45am.
  • All pre-registered players must check in when they arrive, or they may be ineligible to play in the first round.

Entry fee and Prizes:

  • Online entries: $12 – by Friday, 11/1 (5pm) (online payment only).
  • Onsite entries: $20 – Sunday, 11/3 between 11:20 and 1:45am to receive a round 1 pairing. 
  • No refunds for withdrawals requested after online registration closes (5pm 11/1). Email to withdraw.
  • NO EMAIL entries or requests from Friday 5pm 11/1 onward.  Registrar is traveling!
  • Onsite entries: $20 – Cash or Venmo only. May receive a round 1 bye and begin play in round 2. 
  • Prizes: Top finishers in K-12 section will receive a medal. Open section offers cash prizes.


Space is available!  Register onsite between 11:20 and 11:45 to receive a 1st round pairing!

  • Boards and Sets supplied!
  • NO US Chess Membership necessary. 
  • NO Notation required. Feel free if you wish to bring pen and paper, but these are quick games!
  • Bring a folding chair, if you have one (for your players AND any spectators)!!

Rain Location

If there is inclement weather predicted, the tournament will be held at the Dobie Mall food court – Guadalupe and 21st on the 2nd level.


For registration questions, please email
Lori Balkum, (
For all other event questions, please email
Gary Gaiffe, (

Organized by Rocks & Rooks

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Open Section at the 2024 Fall NYOS Scholastic Chess Tournament

USCF rated chess tournament on September 7, 2024 for adults and more advanced scholastic players. 4SS of G/45 +5.  Thank you for playing! Final Results have been posted and rated by the USCF.  Prize checks will be mailed later this week.

Verify your entry on the advance entry list.


This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks (bring your own if at all possible), and mandatory notation. If registrations exceed 32, we reserve the right to split into two sections.


NYOS Charter School
12333 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78753


All adults
Any youth who have reached at least 1300 by the September 2024 USCF supplement.

Ineligible entries will be moved to the appropriate scholastic section of the 2024 Fall NYOS Scholastic Chess Tournament.

This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before September 30, 2024.  USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out.


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
9:00 a.m. Open section begins. Open has 4 rounds, all rounds are are G/45, +5.

No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, player info edits be made onsite with your chief TD and go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Open Section:
rd 1 – 9:00am, rd2 – 11:00am, rd3 – 1:00pm, rd4 – 3:00pm


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities.

Concessions TBA.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.

Proper handwashing and adherence to COVID 19 exposure guidelines mandatory!


Cash prizes (to winners in both sections, in the case of multiple sections), based on number of entries. Special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams  (Uncles, Aunts, Adult siblings, Parents, or Grandparents paired with at least one scholastic aged player.). 

Registration Information

Entry fee pricing is staggered and based on date of entry/payment. 

*youth – $35/adult – $25 thru Saturday, 8/17/2024.
*youth – $45/adult – $35 thru Saturday, 8/31/2024.
*Late entry youth-$50 / adult – $40 begins Sunday, 9/1/2024 and ENDS at midnight on Wednesday 9/4/24, at which time online entry closes.
*If space permits, onsite registration on Saturday, 9/7/24 will be permitted, $50 regardless of age. Cash or venmo only. First round play requires registration and payment before 8:45am.

Withdrawals requested via email before midnight on Wednesday 9/4/24 are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 9/6/2024. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.

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2024 Fall NYOS Scholastic Chess Tournament

Scholastic chess tournament in multiple sections to be held on September 7, 2024. G/25, +5 inc. Trophies and medals awarded.

Thank you for playing! The Final Results have been posted.  The tournament has been rated by the USCF.

Verify your entry on the Advance Entry (Pre-registration) list


USCF rated chess tournament on September 7th in multiple RATED scholastic sections: K-3 U400, K-3 U700, K-5 U600,  K-5 U1000,  6-12 U600, 6-12 U1000, and K-12 Elite (for players rated 950-1399). Please note: all scholastic players rated 1400 and over must play in the Open section. View the Advance Entry List online. Please note, at the event pairings will be posted only online.  

This is a Swiss-system tournament, so everyone plays all day—there is no “elimination.” Players must know how to play the game of chess! We follow USCF rules including: touch-move, mandatory clocks if available, and notation. K-3 and younger sections are excused from taking notation. Please review the Parent/Coach Responsibilities before registering


NYOS Charter School
12333 N Lamar Blvd
Austin, TX 78753


This is a rated tournament. You must have a USCF ID and your membership (can be purchased/renewed at check out or online with the USCF in advance of registration) . You can verify your USCF membership ID and expiration by visiting the USCF’s Member Services Area. Anyone can become a USCF member. Players new to tournament chess are welcome to play. Your USCF membership cannot expire before September 30, 2024. USCF memberships can be renewed/purchased at check-out. (New players in 3rd grade and below may request a non-member ID as a part of USCF’s Junior Tournament Player program during registration. JTPs ok in K-3 sections only.)

“Under” sections are only for students meeting the rating criteria. All players who are new to tournaments are eligible for their age appropriate ‘under’ section. (Look up your player’s rating here. Please email the registrar or ask your chess coach for placement information.
If your 6th grader attends an Elementary School, please contact the registrar for options. With enough registrations, any section may be divided into two sections so we can offer more prizes. Sections with fewer than 20 entries may be merged into a similar section to provide optimal pairings and competition.

Please note: September 2024 ‘Regular’ OTB ratings will be used for pairing purposes. If no regular rating is available, then other USCF ratings (quick, blitz, online) can and will be considered for section placement.  Requests to play down will not be honored. FYI: Any event that is rated after August 21st will not affect your September supplement rating, as those events takes place after September ratings are calculated.

All players in this event must be in 12th grade (or lower).


No check-in necessary for preregistrations. We will make every attempt to contact you in advance if we see a problem with your registration. Verify your entry ONLINE!
8:00 a.m. Chess Control opens for onsite registration.  Onsite registrations before 9:30am accepted, but must start play in round 2.
8:30 a.m Announcements
begin in all scholastic playing rooms.
Players and coaches should be present.
9:00 a.m. Rd 1 begins.
Scholastic sections have 5 rds, G/25, +5.
9:00 a.m. Open section
(different event allowing adults) begins. Open has 4 rounds, all rounds are are G/45, +5.
9:15 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Chess control open for event issues. No changes for round 1 (bye or section) allowed after online registration closes. Requests for byes, withdrawals, and player or school information edits go in effect immediately if made via email before the close of online registration. Changes requested onsite go into effect as of round 2.

Approximate Round Times

Scholastic Sections:
round 1 – 9:00am, rd 2 – 11:00am, rd 3 – 12:45 pm, rd 4 – 2:30 pm, rd 5 – 4:00 pm
Awards in the cafeteria as each section finishes.


There will be some “down time” between rounds since many games will finish early. We will provide an area (outside the tournament room) for casual “skittles” chess and/or other indoor activities. Parents and/or coaches, please provide age-appropriate activities during the time between rounds. The organizers cannot baby-sit. No child should be left unattended!

Concessions details coming soon.  Only water bottles allowed at the chess board.


Trophies & Medals to Top Contenders! Ribbons to all participants!

Trophies to the top individuals in each scholastic section. Trophies to the top teams in all sections. Number of individual and team trophies will depend on number of entries. Chess medals will go to all players (excluding Open section) that finish the tournament with a positive score (3.0 & 3.5 points). Trophies to players scoring 4.0 and above. No teams in Open section, but special trophies will be awarded to the highest scoring Family & Child teams (Uncles, Aunts, Adult siblings, Parents, Grandparents, or coach paired with at least one scholastic aged player.)

Registration Information

*$35 thru Saturday, 8/17/2024.
*$45 thru Saturday, 8/31/2024.
*Late entry $50 begins Sunday, 9/1/2024 and ENDS at midnight on Wednesday, 9/4/2024, at which time online entry closes.
*$60 Onsite entry receives 1/2pt bye in round 1, and begins play in round 2.

Withdrawals requested via email before online registration closes (midnight on Wednesday 9/4/24) are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 service fee). No exceptions. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from the USCF. NO email/phone entries.

Please request byes when you register if possible. First bye receives 1/2-point. Further byes receive 0-points. Email the registrar to make changes to your requested byes. Deadline to add or remove a 1st round requested bye is 9am Friday 9/6/2024. All 1/2-point byes must be requested/removed before the end of round 2.

Email Lori Balkum, registrar ( with other questions. No phone calls, please. Emails will be returned promptly.