Rated 5SS in four sections (K-3, K-5, K-8, K-12) playing G/30, d5, offered by the Atlantic Chess Association on March 1, 2025. This event is limited to scholastic players. Read the description and register online: https://caissachess.net/online-registration/index/5741
Location BASIS Cedar Park 165 N Lakeline Blvd Cedar Park, TX 78613
Schedule FIVE Rounds at a time control of G/30, d5
Onsite registration : BEFORE 8:30 AM No check-in necessary if you have pre-registered.
Round One: 9:00 AM
Round Two: 10:30 AM
Round Three: 12:30 PM
Round Three: 1:45 PM
Round Four: 3:00 PM
12-12:30 Lunch: Lunch available for purchase at the school.
An awards ceremony will be held immediately after all games in a section finish. Trophies and medals to top finishing individuals in each scholastic section; ribbons to all participants.
Limit two half-point byes. Byes must be committed 1 hr before Round 2.
Entry Fee $65 by 1/31/25 $70 by 2/25/2025 $75 on or after 2/26/2025 (on-site registration closes 1 hour before Round 1).
Withdrawals are eligible for a refund (minus a $10 processing fee). Full credit can be applied to any future tournament. No refunds for USCF memberships after purchased from USCF.
Description: A full-day, week-long chess camp, hosted by the Cedar Park Mathnasium from July 8-12, 2024. Featuring Certified National Master Paul Chaplin. All scholastic players are invited to register!
Each camp features five exciting days of an immersive chess environment and a fun-filled focus on a special featurette highlight (description below). Chess Camps hosted by Mathnasium are engaging and fun! Sign up early for lowest fees! Limited attendance – first come first served! For more information, link to the the camp website.
Brilliancies & Howlers: Chess to excite! The most awesome games dazzle and entertain us … while others leave us confounded —shaking our heads! Students experience the best and the worst of times from crowd favorites such as Morphy and Tal to more modern stars such as Nakamura and Nepomniachtchi.
Date and Time: 3rd camp session: July 8-12, 2024, 8am – 3pm
Registration: To register, please fill out the registration form. Instructions for turning in the registration form and making payment are on the form.
Location: Cedar Park Mathnasium 13010 W. Parmer Lane, Ste #100 Cedar Park, TX 78613