Online tournaments present interesting challenges when it comes to awards! For the 2021 Region VI event, the top individual finishers in each section will receive a plaque by mail. A perfect score guarantees you an award. But often there are no perfect scores within a section. Four points out of 5 is often enough to be in the top finishers.
Championship sections:
The top finishing Region V resident in each Championship section will be named 2021 Region V Champion for that section, and receive an award to commemorate that honor.
The top finishing Region VI resident in each Championship section will be named 2021 Region VI Champion for that section, and receive an award to commemorate that honor.
An additional 3 awards will be given in each Championship to the next top finishers, after the Regional champions are identified.
Non-championship sections: Awards to the top 3 players in each section.
Results from a rated online tournament may not be available for a week or more after the event, because organizers are very serious about analyzing all events for ethics infractions (aka cheating). At the conclusion of the tournament it will be analyzed for fair play. After the results are verified and certified, the organizer will rate the tournament with the USCF, email all participants a link to the final results (online and standings by tiebreak), and announce the winners. It is at this point that the organizer will arrange for awards to be mailed out.